Divorce and separation

Civil Partnership Solicitors

Image to represent civil partnership counselling

Civil Partnerships

At Walker Family law, we recognise the importance and complexity of civil partnerships. Civil partnerships are legally recognised relationships between two individuals that provide them with similar rights and responsibilities as marriage. Civil partnerships were introduced by the Civil Partnership Act 2004, which came into force in December 2005. They were originally only available to same-sex couples (who could not then enter into marriage), but were extended to opposite-sex couples in December 2019. 

Marriage between same-sex couples has been possible in England and Wales since March 2014. Accordingly, all couples now have the choice between getting married or entering into a civil partnership, although most civil partnerships nowadays are entered into by opposite-sex couples. Same-sex couples are also able to convert a civil partnership into a marriage. 

Rights and responsibilities of Civil Partnerships

As mentioned above, civil partnerships provide similar rights and responsibilities as marriage. For example, those in a civil partnership benefit from the same rights as married couples in terms of tax benefits, pensions and inheritance.

Choosing Civil Partnership over marriage 

There are several reasons why some couples may choose a civil partnership over marriage. Unlike marriage, there are no religious connotations attached to civil partnerships, which can make them a desirable option for those who want to legally recognise their relationship but don’t align themselves with a particular religion. 

There is also a school of thought that marriage is a patriarchal institution, which can make marriage less desirable for some couples. You can find more detail on this here

Challenges of ending a Civil Partnership

One thing that civil partnerships share with marriage is that they can of course break down. The end of a civil partnership can be a difficult and emotional time, including for children and the wider family. We recognise the unique challenges that occur during the breakdown of a civil partnership, and we as civil partnership solicitors, are here to help guide you. 

Walker Family Law are specialist civil partnership solicitors, qualified to provide you with compassionate and practical legal advice should your civil partnership break down, whether you want to have the partnership dissolved or simply want a separation. 

Our approach

As civil partnership solicitors, we are experts in the breakdown of civil partnerships and we will use our depth of knowledge to find the best possible solution for you, whether that involves mediation, collaborative law, Resolution Together (where we work with and advise the couple jointly), arbitration, or traditional litigation. 

For further information regarding the alternatives to court, see this page.  

We take a personalised and resolution-focused approach to each case, listening to your needs, concerns, and goals. Understanding you and your concerns is our primary focus, as that will enable us to untangle the complex legal issues that can accompany a separation. 

If you want to dissolve the civil partnership then our civil partnership solicitors can guide you through the legal process, including deciding whether to make a joint dissolution application with your partner. 

The legal issues may also include sorting out arrangements for finances and property. These can include what is to happen to the family home, how any money or other property should be divided, whether one party should pay maintenance to the other, and whether there should be any sharing of pensions. 

We will help you sort out arrangements for finances and property by agreement, without the need for expensive and stressful court proceedings. If these matters can be agreed then we will take the necessary steps to obtain a consent court order, to give effect to the agreement. 

If it is not possible to agree arrangements for finances and property then the matter would have to be decided by the court. We can advise and assist you throughout the court process, including representing you at all court hearings, and helping you to achieve the best possible outcome. 

For more detailed information about financial settlements, see this page

If there are any dependent children then arrangements will need to be sorted out for them, including who they should live with, what contact they should have with a parent they do not live with, and what child support should be paid, if any. 

Again, we will help sort out arrangements for your children by agreement, but if that is not possible then we can advise, assist and represent you throughout any contested court proceedings. 

Whether it be dissolving the civil partnership, dealing with the financial settlement, or sorting out arrangements for children, we will support you to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible, whilst ensuring your rights and interests are protected. We will handle all the legal aspects of your case so that you can focus on taking care of you and your family. 

If you are in need of civil partnership solicitors, contact our team today to arrange a consultation. 

Divorce and separation services

Whether you are divorcing, separating, or ending a civil partnership, our expert team of family lawyers will help you move forward with confidence.

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