Divorce Support Club

As a team of experienced family lawyers we know that a separation or divorce can be one of the most stressful things you may go through in life. The Divorce Support Club provides individuals with a safe, informal place to ask questions and gather a toolkit to help you manage emotions, get clarity around the things that worry or scare you and focus on what you can do, so that you feel stronger and more confident.

Introducing the Divorce Support Club

‘How to Learn from your Divorce’ is the discussion topic at our next Divorce Support Club webinar, taking place on Wednesday 11th September between 1 and 2pm. Use the sign up form at the bottom of the page to join the webinar.

To enable us to give you a level of emotional support which goes beyond that which family law solicitors are normally able to give, we have partnered with respected Divorce Coach Claire Macklin to provide a new, innovative and additional service, The Divorce Support Club. Claire is a Master NLP Practitioner, a former solicitor and has divorced twice. She has experienced divorce from both perspectives, once when the decision was made beyond her control, and again when she was the one making the decision. Claire navigated both of her divorces whilst raising her children, so she has been on both sides of the situation and is providing advice from experience and expertise. Following her first divorce, Claire wrote a book: Break-Up From Crisis to Confidence.   

The Divorce Support Club provides individuals with a safe, informal place to ask questions and gather a toolkit to help manage emotions, get clarity around the things that worry or scare you and focus on what you CAN do, so that you feel stronger and more confident. Meeting via monthly online webinars we discuss strategies to help you take back your power, challenge negative thinking and focus on taking positive steps forward. Our aim is to create a friendly, supportive place where you can feel safe to ask any questions you might have, raise your concerns and learn new strategies to help you right now.  

Our hosts

A handful of our Solicitors rotate in joining Claire each month to co-host the webinars. Fiona Griffin is the head of our divorce and relationships team and deals with challenging divorces day in, day out. Lauren Preedy, Natasha Alsop and Emily Green are also members of the divorce and relationships team and bring an array of knowledge and advice to those going through, and possibly struggling with different aspects of their divorce.  

Walker Family Law recognise that there are limitations to what we can do outside of our legal remit. We are committed to offering a holistic service, and to helping people create a powerful support team around them. We want you to have the right support from the right people, at the right time, whether that is legal, financial or emotional.  

Who can sign up?

The Divorce Support Club is open to anyone that feels they would benefit from this support network. Whether you are in an active divorce or separation, you are divorced or separated but still living with your ex, or you haven’t yet begun the process of your divorce or separation. Everyone is welcome and your attendance is completely anonymous. 

Perhaps you are finding the process overwhelming, and you feel confused about your options. Maybe you are worried about the impact of your separation on your children, or anxious about how to communicate with your ex. Or maybe you are not sure how to cope with the emotional ups and downs you are feeling. During our live sessions, we can answer any questions that you may have there and then using the Q&A feature, tailor our sessions to your needs.  

‘How to Learn from your Divorce’ is the discussion topic at our next Divorce Support Club webinar, taking place on Wednesday 11th September between 1 and 2pm. Use the sign up form at the bottom of the page to join the webinar.

Resources Library

Welcome to the Divorce Support Club Resources, here you will find a taster of useful resources that will support you whilst going through divorce. To view our full resource library which includes full guides, access to previous webinars and book recommendations, sign up to our free Divorce Support Club below.  

Please keep in mind that the information provided on this page is for general purposes only. Every divorce case is unique, and it is crucial to consult with professionals who can provide personalised advice based on your specific circumstances. 

Join our free Divorce Support Club, and gain full access to our resource library and more…

‘How to Learn from your Divorce’ is the discussion topic at our next Divorce Support Club webinar, taking place on Wednesday 11th September between 1 and 2pm. Use the sign up form at the bottom of the page to join the webinar.

We provide the Divorce Support Club for free, because our aim is to help people who are finding the separation or divorce journey overwhelming.

Whether you are going through a separation or divorce or you are seeking a dissolution to a civil partnership. We will be covering lots of different areas and subjects.

If you would like attend the next webinar, receive unlimited access to the full resource library, newsletter updates and details of the future webinars, just fill out your details below:

Supporting your Children through your Divorce

We know that divorce is a tricky time for everyone involved, but it can be especially difficult for your children. This month we gave given you tips on how to support your children through this tricky time. Using these tips your relationship with your children will strengthen and grow.
Taster Guide

Dressing with Confidence

Something that isn’t discussed very often, but is a common struggle, is your confidence after going through a divorce. This month we have tackled the subject of dressing with confidence, where our guest speaker Becky Barnes, gave great advice and Natasha, one of our solicitors, gave us some legal insight.
Taster Guide

Cohabitation: Busting the myths

Cohabitation after divorce can be tricky to navigate. What are your rights? Is it similar to marriage? Can I cohabit before my divorce is finalised? Our webinar this month goes through all of this and more. We’ve summed up a few key points in our guide for you.
Taster Guide
Parents playing with son - cohabitation agreement

Can Divorce be a Good Thing?

Looking at divorce in a negative light is easy, people often feel like they’ve failed. But that doesn’t have to be the case. We’ve given you tips on how to view your divorce in a more positive light, and how to focus on the positives coming your way.
Taster Guide
Couple arguing

What Not To Do During Divorce

Facing a divorce is a new challenge, and it’s difficult to navigate the do’s and don’ts. That’s why we have set out what not to do, and what to do instead. We want to help you make your divorce as quick, easy and painless as you can.
Taster Guide

Leaving an Abusive Partner

Leaving an abusive partner can be incredibly challenging, but it is a step towards reclaiming your life. This month, we’ve put together some insights and strategies to support you through this situation and to help you take charge of your future with confidence.
Taster Guide
couple on sofa

New Relationships and Dating

After a divorce, new relationships and dating can be daunting. This month we have compiled some tips and tricks to help you pin point what you want, to take some of the pressure off. Dating should be fun, use our guide to answer the tricky questions before you begin dating, and then enjoy yourself!
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New life old life signpost

How to create the blueprint for a bright future

A separation or divorce is a time of major change and uncertainty. In this webinar we discussed how to create the blueprint for your bright future. We go through what really matters to you, and taking back control by making small, positive changes to your life.
Taster guide

Red Flags & Buzzwords

When contemplating leaving a narcissistic partner, or entering into a new relationship, it’s important to know what red flags to look for. Our guide looks at some of the traits of narcissists and how to deal with them, along with how to spot red flags in new relationships.
Taster Guide
Woman taking off ring

My holiday was a disaster and I want a divorce: what do I do?

A bad holiday may not be a reason to get divorced, but it may certainly be the final straw in many relationships. In this webinar, we talked about how to evaluate your relationship should you find yourself in this situation.
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Grandparent with grandchild

Handling divorce after a long marriage

Divorcing after a long marriage has a whole host of unique problems: elderly parents, a lifetime of possessions, and complicated finances. In this session we invited Chartered Financial Planner Carolyn Matravers to talk about the financial implications of divorcing after a long marriage and how she can help.
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Mother holding child

Surviving the summer holidays as a single parent

The summer holidays as a single parent can be an overwhelming challenge. The thought of planning a holiday or negotiating with your ex might fill you with dread. In this session we give you tips on how to plan a holiday and how to handle communication.
Taster Guide
Divorcing couple

My spouse wants a divorce: what do I do?

Being delivered the news that your spouse wants a divorce is never easy to hear. In this webinar we discuss emotional strategies to help you cope with the aftermath of being told that your spouse wants a divorce.
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Father pushing child on bike

Blended Family

A blended family is where you and your partner make a life together with children from one or both of your previous relationships. In this webinar we explored how to build a strong blended family.
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Money spilling from box

Navigating the financial fallout of divorce

Navigating the financial fallout of a divorce is oftentimes one of the most challenging aspects of the divorce journey. In this session we look at how a financial advisor can assist you in effectively planning for you future with guest speaker and Chartered Financial Planner, Dan Gornall.
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Couple on café date

Valentine’s Day; Dos and Don’ts

How do you know when you’re ready? The answer will be different for everyone. It’s important to be honest about your intentions. Download our taster guide below for our top tips.
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Happy woman

Creating a Vibrant Future

A separation or divorce is a time of huge and often unsettling change. In this webinar we discussed what really matters to you, and consider what principles you want to build your life around.
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Father drawing with child

Preparing for Christmas and the holidays

Many of those going through a divorce or a separation dread the holiday season, particularly if it’s the first one without seeing their children. In this webinar we look at how you can positively reframe Christmas, create new traditions, and navigate your emotions with clarity and confidence.
Taster Guide

Surviving the Early Days of Separation

Separating from your partner is never easy, and there is no way to completely eliminate the negative emotions that you will feel. However, our aim is to bring you some tips that will lessen the difficulty of surviving the early days of separation.
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Getting divorce ready

Everyone’s divorce journey is unique. All these stages are completely normal reactions to a breakup. Knowing where you are in the grieving cycle and naming your feelings can be beneficial.
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Couple outside talking

Strategies For Constructive Communication

When a relationship breaks down, the communication going forward can become difficult, hostile and unpleasant. Our tips are designed to help you move past the negativity and learn how to communicate with your ex partner in an effective way.
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Woman looking out window

How to handle a challenging ex

Recognising how a relationship is affecting you is a good first step to taking back your power. You may well be feeling a whole raft of emotions right now, so it’s important to focus on what you can control. Our guide looks at what you can do to maintain emotional stability.
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Couple embracing

Rebuilding trust in relationships

Trust is the foundation of any healthy and successful relationship. We may not realise this, but the ability to trust someone can have numerous positive effects on an individual’s well-being. Here, we look at how you can build trust within yourself and with others.
Taster Guide