Room set up for conference
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The Public Law Update 2024

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Walker Family Law
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Walker Family Law is happy to announce that The Public Law Update 2024, hosted by Safda Mahmood, has now taken place. The event took place on the 9th May 2024. We had a fantastic turn out of approximately 55 attendees. Safda Mahmood provided attendees with invaluable insights into the most recent developments in public law.

The Event

The update covered a variety of valuable topics. Attendees had the chance to connect with Safda Mahmood and gain extensive knowledge on key issues covered, including:

  • Interim Care and Removal – Key Developments
  • Vaccinations and Parental Responsibility 
  • Assessments
  • Instructing Experts  
  • Intermediaries, Cognitive Assessments and Capacity
  • Placement Orders and Leave to oppose Adoption Orders 
  • Secure Accommodation and Deprivation of Liberty Orders – Key Developments
  • Use of Inherent Jurisdiction
  • Fact Findings Hearings and Judgments
  • Use of FDAC and Court Security
  • Police Disclosure
  • Reporting Pilot, QLR’s and Practice Direction Updates    
  • Case Law Update  

“We are delighted to have partnered with Safda Mahmood to host The Public Law Update 2024”, said Ian Walker, Managing Director at Walker Family Law. “The event was a huge success and Safda provided attendees with valuable information into recent developments in public law”.

We were very fortunate to have had the opportunity to host the event in the Health Innovation South West office, who provided a fantastic venue for the day along with great food.

Attendees provided positive feedback on the event and Safda Mahmood’s expertise. Walker Family Law is once again thrilled to have had the pleasure of hosting such an event and we hope to have the opportunity again in the future. We are also pleased to be able to donate the remaining funds to two wonderful charities; Love Musgrove and Stand Against Violence.

About us

Walker Family Law is an award-winning family law practice, recognised as one of the leading family law firms in the South West of England with services covering family law mediationdivorce lawchild-law and arbitration.

Please contact us if you require any further information.