
Ian Walker – Child law expert solicitor – re-accreditation to the Law Society Children Panel

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Ian Walker
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Ian Walker - Child law expert solicitor

Ian Walker – Child law expert solicitor

I first achieved membership of the Law Society Children Panel in 1996. The scheme is now called the Law Society Child Law Accreditation Scheme.

Membership of the Children Panel used to be for 5 year terms. It is now 3 years at a time. The accreditation and reaccreditation process is rigorous and the current reaccreditation process is perhaps the most stringent yet. This is important because Children Panel Membership means that I am able to represent vulnerable children in court proceedings.

Child Law Expert

Membership means that I can genuinely call myself a child law expert.

I was therefore very pleased to receive my latest accreditation certificate today. (below)

That’s 21 years continuous membership, which will be 24 years when panel membership is up for renewal again.

I am also a Child Law Arbitrator and am qualified to make legally binding decisions in disputes between parents.

With Kim Stradling, we have two children panel members in our team. If all goes to plan Carrie Meikle should hopefully be able to gain membership by the end of 2018.

Children Panel Certificate